On the geek side of things, I write about comics, cartoons, video games, television, movies and basically, all things nerdy. It was boring so I decided to write about things I love.
What makes this weird is you'd never expected any members of the cabal to be so compassionate - albeit in their own dark, warped way - about the world at hand. In Morana and Striga's case, the series crafts a remarkable romance between the two women that makes them shine as heartbeats of the new vampire kingdom. His death leaves the sisterhood to conquer Europe unchallenged but Carmilla admits she's only the face the others, including Lenore, are the brains of the operation. That isn't the only nuanced LGBTQ angle, though, as there's also Morana and Striga - the philosopher and warlord, respectively - in Carmilla's royal cabinet at Styria, currently charting a course forward in the wake of Dracula's fallen empire. RELATED: Castlevania: 5 Things We Want to See in Season 4 Unfortunately, it goes to hell and he murders them, which will test how he embraces Trevor and Sypha in the future, and people in general. The siblings, at first, represented the best their species has to offer in his eyes, and it's an elegantly done and poetic romance, one filled with substance more than style.