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With Aaron Sanchez on the disabled list and Scott Copeland having failed his audition, the Jays decided to try Boyd, a 6-foot-3 left-hander who posted a 7-2 record and 1.26 ERA in 14 starts between Double-A and Triple-A this year.

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Gallardo allowed three hits and left with one out in the ninth.

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But the Jays hitters could not find the ignition switch against Yorvani Gallardo, who extended his personal scoreless-innings streak to 23 1/3. Pitching into the seventh and allowing four runs represents a worthy work session, especially given the explosive habits of the Toronto offence. “I thought he did a great job … He looked good and confident,” Gibbons said. Gibbons said Boyd would start again, presumably when his turn comes up next Thursday against Boston. “The goal of a starter is you always want to get deep in the game, put your team in a position to win.” XVIDEOS.COM ACCOUNT Join for FREE Log in Gay. “It’s definitely something to build on,” Boyd said. 32,925 gay daddy arab grandpa turkish oldman FREE videos found on XVIDEOS for this search. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

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